Over 185 Million Players Worldwide!
Available in 13 Languages
In this addictive, ALL ages, puzzle game mix and match different combinations of fire, earth, wind and air to create an entire universe! As you create each element watch your world come alive as each element animates on your planet. The new “Planet” mode offers a new challenging way to create a universe of your dreams.
Of course the universe was not created in a day. You’ll have to work your up from a simple microorganism to create animals, tools, storms and even build armies before you have what it takes to build the universe! But beware, the power of creation may have unintended consequences, inventing the wheel might just trigger a zombie plague… Don’t worry, you are not alone on this cosmic journey! Every time you successfully create a new item you’ll be rewarded with the wit and wisdom of some of the greatest philosophers and comedians of all time. Unleash your inner god with Doodle God™!
✔ Now available in 13 languages: English, Dutch, French, Spain, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Swedish, Polish & German.
✔ NEW Visual “Planet” Mode allows players to see their planet come alive as you play.
✔ NEW “Mission” Mode offers new challenging puzzles
✔New Artifacts Mode: Collect ancient artifacts like Stonehenge created by amazing triple reactions.
✔ Mold fire, wind, earth and air to create the Universe.
✔ Create 300+ advanced items and concepts.
✔ Intuitive one-click game play encourages thoughtful, creative play
✔ Hundreds of interesting, funny and thought-provoking quotes and sayings.
✔ New “Puzzle” mode.
Create locomotives, sky scrappers and more
✔ New “Quests” mode. Can you save the Princess or escape a Desert Island?
✔ New reactions with existing elements and episodes.
✔ New achievements.
✔ New Elements encyclopedia with wikipedia links.
✔ Improved mini-games for arcade fans.
>“Wonderfully unique concept. Deeply satisfying!” – GameZebo
>“Giving it huge thumbs up!" - TUAW
>“It’s addictive. Insanely so! Lots of fun.” – 148Apps
>“Discovering each new element was an utter delight."
- AppSafari
>"You'll have to use your creativity…ruthlessly addictive." -
>"I would recommend buying it, definitely worth it!” -
Follow us to get early access to exclusive content, price drops and updates:
LIKE: www.facebook.com/doodlegod
FOLLOW: www.twitter.com/joybitsmobile
Lebih dari 185 Juta Pemain Seluruh Dunia!
Tersedia dalam 13 Bahasa
Dalam adiktif ini, segala usia, puzzle game campuran dan cocok kombinasi yang berbeda dari api, tanah, angin dan udara untuk menciptakan seluruh alam semesta! Ketika Anda membuat setiap elemen melihat dunia Anda menjadi hidup karena setiap elemen menjiwai di planet Anda. Baru "Planet" modus menawarkan cara baru yang menantang untuk membuat alam semesta impian Anda.
Tentu saja alam semesta tidak diciptakan dalam sehari. Anda harus bekerja sampai Anda dari mikroorganisme sederhana untuk membuat hewan, alat, badai dan bahkan membangun tentara sebelum Anda memiliki apa yang diperlukan untuk membangun alam semesta! Tapi hati-hati, kekuatan penciptaan mungkin memiliki konsekuensi yang tidak diinginkan, inventing roda mungkin hanya memicu wabah zombie ... Jangan khawatir, Anda tidak sendirian dalam perjalanan kosmik ini! Setiap kali Anda berhasil membuat item baru Anda akan dihargai dengan kecerdasan dan kebijaksanaan dari beberapa filsuf terbesar dan komedian sepanjang masa. Bebaskan Tuhan batin Anda dengan Doodle Allah ™!
✔ Kini tersedia dalam 13 bahasa: Inggris, Belanda, Perancis, Spanyol, Italia, Rusia, Jepang, Cina, Korea, Portugis, Swedia, Polandia & Jerman.
✔ Modus BARU Visual "Planet" memungkinkan pemain untuk melihat planet mereka menjadi hidup sambil bermain.
✔ Mode "Misi" BARU menawarkan teka-teki menantang baru
✔New Artefak Mode: Kumpulkan artefak kuno seperti Stonehenge dibuat oleh reaksi tiga menakjubkan.
✔ api Mold, angin, tanah dan udara untuk menciptakan alam semesta.
✔ Buat 300 + item maju dan konsep.
✔ Intuitif bermain game satu-klik mendorong bijaksana, bermain kreatif
✔ Ratusan menarik, kutipan lucu dan pemikiran dan ucapan.
✔ New "Puzzle" mode. Buat lokomotif, scrappers langit dan lebih
✔ New "Quests" mode. Anda dapat menyimpan Putri atau melarikan diri Desert Island?
✔ reaksi New dengan unsur-unsur yang ada dan episode.
✔ Baru prestasi.
✔ New Elements ensiklopedia dengan link wikipedia.
✔ Peningkatan mini-game untuk penggemar arcade.
> Apel Rewind AWARD
> "Konsep indah unik. Sangat memuaskan "-! GameZebo
> "Memberikan jempol besar!" - TUAW
> "Ini adiktif. Gila begitu! Banyak menyenangkan "-. 148Apps
> "Menemukan setiap elemen baru adalah menyenangkan mengucapkan." - AppSafari
> "Anda harus menggunakan kreativitas Anda ... kejam adiktif." - Slide2Play
> "Saya akan merekomendasikan membeli itu, pasti worth it!" - TouchGen
Ikuti kami untuk mendapatkan akses awal untuk konten eksklusif, penurunan harga dan update:
SEPERTI: www.facebook.com/doodlegod
FOLLOW: www.twitter.com/joybitsmobile
Over 185 Million Players Worldwide!
Available in 13 Languages
In this addictive, ALL ages, puzzle game mix and match different combinations of fire, earth, wind and air to create an entire universe! As you create each element watch your world come alive as each element animates on your planet. The new “Planet” mode offers a new challenging way to create a universe of your dreams.
Of course the universe was not created in a day. You’ll have to work your up from a simple microorganism to create animals, tools, storms and even build armies before you have what it takes to build the universe! But beware, the power of creation may have unintended consequences, inventing the wheel might just trigger a zombie plague… Don’t worry, you are not alone on this cosmic journey! Every time you successfully create a new item you’ll be rewarded with the wit and wisdom of some of the greatest philosophers and comedians of all time. Unleash your inner god with Doodle God™!
✔ Now available in 13 languages: English, Dutch, French, Spain, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Swedish, Polish & German.
✔ NEW Visual “Planet” Mode allows players to see their planet come alive as you play.
✔ NEW “Mission” Mode offers new challenging puzzles
✔New Artifacts Mode: Collect ancient artifacts like Stonehenge created by amazing triple reactions.
✔ Mold fire, wind, earth and air to create the Universe.
✔ Create 300+ advanced items and concepts.
✔ Intuitive one-click game play encourages thoughtful, creative play
✔ Hundreds of interesting, funny and thought-provoking quotes and sayings.
✔ New “Puzzle” mode.
Create locomotives, sky scrappers and more
✔ New “Quests” mode. Can you save the Princess or escape a Desert Island?
✔ New reactions with existing elements and episodes.
✔ New achievements.
✔ New Elements encyclopedia with wikipedia links.
✔ Improved mini-games for arcade fans.
>“Wonderfully unique concept. Deeply satisfying!” – GameZebo
>“Giving it huge thumbs up!" - TUAW
>“It’s addictive. Insanely so! Lots of fun.” – 148Apps
>“Discovering each new element was an utter delight."
- AppSafari
>"You'll have to use your creativity…ruthlessly addictive." -
>"I would recommend buying it, definitely worth it!” -
Follow us to get early access to exclusive content, price drops and updates:
LIKE: www.facebook.com/doodlegod
FOLLOW: www.twitter.com/joybitsmobile